Européen est probablement l’adjectif qui correspond le plus à notre invité. La trentaine bien entamée, Vincent s’est construit entre la Belgique, la France et l’Allemagne, éduqué à coup de Jean-Michel Jarre, de Kevin Saunderson, de Depeche Mode et de Lil Louis à l’époque dorée des disquaires et des raves du sud de la Belgique. Touche à tout et curieux, il s’intéresse également à différents champs artistiques tels que la mode et les arts plastiques. Collectionneur de machines et de disques depuis quelque temps déjà, il travaille actuellement sur la mise en marche d’une presse à vinyles et d’un business modèle innovant ainsi que sur ses propres productions. Le Phonocast proposé ici est versatile, à mi-chemin entre sélection et mix. Si l’agencement est décousu, les morceaux qui constituent le mix sont captivants et l’ensemble laisse libre court à l’imagination de chacun. Bonne écoute !
European is probably the best adjective to qualify our guest this week. Now in his mid-30’s Vincent built himself between Belgium, France and Germany with music such as Lil Louis, Jean-Michel Jarre or Kevin Saunderson. He had the luck to experiment the madness of the rave in the south of Belgium and the golden age for Belgium Records Shop. Very curious, the man is also interested in other art’s field such as Fashion and plastic art. Machines and records collector, Vincent currently works on an old vinyl baler with an innovative business model, he is also dedicated to his productions. This Phonocast is versatile and oscillate between mix and selection, and the result is a bit desultory. However, the quality of the tracks maintain an interest for the whole mixture and leaves an open door to the imagination of each and everyone. Good listening!
Anthony Shake Shakir – So Delivered – Frictional
Mr. Fingers – Can You Feel It (Acapella) – Goldfingers Inc.
Galaxy2galaxy – Metamorphosys – Underground Resistance
Kaos – Definition Of Love (Master Reese Remix) – Koolkat
5 Nexus 21 – Lifekeepsmoving (Mark Kinichin Remix) – Network
Mk – Feel The Fire (Maxfruit Re-Edit) – Retroactive
Maurizio – Ploy (Ur Mix) – Maurizio
Fade To Black- The Calling Reprise – Transmat Fragile
Der Zyklus – Polar Coordinates – Dub Recordings
Brother From Another Planet – Soundscape – 7th City
1redcell – In Version – B12music
Reese – You Are Mine (Maydaymix) – Koolkat
Alien Fm – Infinity (Optic Nerve Remix) -430 West
Terrence Dixon – Band Together – Tresor
Dbx – Loosing Control (Robert Hood Remix) – Peacefrog
D Knox – Psalm 83:13 – Elypsia Music
∑ – Schleife Iii – Unterton
∑ – Here Before – ∑3
Drexciya – Cascading The Celestial Giants – Clone
DJ Stingray – It’s All Connected – Weme Records