Lars Stöwe, plus connu en tant qu’Anstam, a fait les beaux jours de 50 weapons avec un son UK bien marqué. En tant qu’artiste prolifique, il a également développé un certain nombre d’alias, dont Anno Stamm, un projet plus techno parfois teinté de house et de sonorités bruitistes . Ce qui est plaisant d’entendre dans le travail du producteur allemand, c’est son habileté à allier expérimentations et musique de club sans paraître ni prétentieux ni ennuyeux. Chaque sortie d’Anno Stamm comporte un savant mélange de rythmes abrupts, d’harmonies peu évidentes mâtinées parfois d’accents électros. 2016 marque l’arrivée d’un premier long format pour ce projet paru chez le label d’Outre-Manche All City Records. Cette semaine, il nous offre un Phonocast house bien trippé. Bonne écoute!
Lars Stöwe is more renowned behind his primary moniker Anstam that pleased 50Weapons with his several Uk oriented releases. As a prolific artist, he also developed different side projects including Anno Stamm, an alias devoted to a more straight forward techno sometimes tainted of House and unexpected sounds. The enjoyable aspect in Lars’s work is that he manage to mix experimentation with club music without being pretentious or annoying. Each of his releases is a combination of abrupt rhythmics with very strange harmonies and sometimes some electro. 2016 was the year of his first LP under this moniker; this first long length project was released on the Irish entity All City Records. This week, the artist give us 70 minutes of deep vibes. Good listening
Anno Stamm on Soundcloud, Facebook, Twitter
Abonnez vous à notre série sur Itunes
Anno Stamm – New age advisor
Anthony Shakir – Indogoo
EL Prevost – Sunday Things
ANNO STAMM – Sensing Social Sirens
IZC – Zig Zag
N1L – Stuck In A Cube
ANTONI MAIOVVI – Spitalfields 1665
ANNO STAMM – Don’t you
BODYCODE – special harmonics
JEAN NIPON – i owe you so much
HOUNDS OF HATE (timothy j fairplay rmx) – purple stuff
HYPNO – over the top
RACHAEL – kung funk
TUFF CITY KIDS – r.u.t.h.
TERMINAL 11 (exillion rmx) – heather in japan
ANNO STAMM – das Anno Stamm theme