Martin Nowakowski est le genre de personnage positif que l’on souhaiterait croiser plus souvent. Le jeune producteur suédois est très curieux, prolifique et ne se limite pas à un style. Lorsqu’on l’a découvert, c’était par l’intermédiaire de Dairmount pour ses deux EP sur Room With A View. Le jeune homme originaire de Gothenburg s’illustrait alors dans des tonalités house. Aujourd’hui, Martin lance son label BROR Records et s’oriente toujours vers des sons house plus deep, plus linéaire, aux accents techno. D’ailleurs pour ce Phonocast, il nous offre un set de techno cérébrale qui progresse crescendo. Bonne écoute !
Martin Nowakowski is the kind of positive people that we would like to meet more often. The young Swedish producer is curious, productive and does not confine himself to one style. When we discovered him, it was through Dairmount and the two release he produced for Room With A View. The man originary from Gothenburg illustrated himself on a house repertoire. Now, Martin is launching his own imprints, BROR Records; he is still interested in house music but with deepest production codes, maybe a bit more linear with nuances of techno. Also, he did for us a nice cerebral Phonocast starting from deep and experimental techno to more powerful sounds. Good listening!
Nowakowski on Facebook, Soundcloud
BROR Records on Soundcloud